Family Lawyer Adelaide: Family Lawyer For Child Custody

Nobody wishes to get into family problems, but they can happen, and one must seek efficient and empathetic family law advice. Alicia is an experienced practitioner with a personable and compassionate approach to her clients.

She is an Accredited Specialist in Family Law and is committed to obtaining the best possible outcome for her clients. She has extensive experience in complex property settlement matters and child custody issues. For more information about the family lawyer for child custody Adelaide, click here.

Property Settlements

family lawyer AdelaideIf you’re separating from a spouse or partner, your concerns about where your children will live and how you will split your assets may be top of mind. Getting legal advice early from family lawyers can help you understand your legal rights and options.

The Family Court’s first step in a property settlement is to work out the ‘asset pool’. This is a collection of both people’s assets and debts. The Family Court then determines each person’s percentage share of the pool based on their circumstances and what is considered fair.

The Family Court will examine whether any contributions made after separation should be kept out of the asset pool or included. The Court will also consider the future needs of each person, which can influence the pool’s share. Adelaide Lawyers has an experienced team of Family Law property lawyers able to handle everything from straightforward Consent Orders to complex matters involving trusts, companies, investment portfolios and more.

Child Custody

Child custody disputes are often the most emotionally draining and complex issues to resolve after a separation or divorce. A family law attorney can provide valuable legal advice and guide you through the court process to maximise your chances of getting your preferred custody arrangement. For more information about the family lawyer for child custody Adelaide, click here.

Australia’s family laws emphasise parental responsibility rather than rights, which means both parents are responsible for the care of their children and share in decision-making. The courts prefer to maintain stability in child custody arrangements and will only change primary residence if there is evidence of a significant change in circumstances.

A custody lawyer can assist you by preparing parenting plans and advising on suitable care arrangements. They can also help you establish a solid case to convince the judge that your claim is in your child’s best interests. They will use their specialised legal knowledge and persuasive arguments to support your case. They can also represent you in mediation and other alternative dispute resolution hearings.

Restraining Orders

In some cases, a judge may issue a restraining order. These civil court documents establish actions that a person must not take, usually for matters involving domestic violence, stalking and harassment. The restraining order also prohibits certain activities, such as possessing weapons, and can include provisions restricting contact with other individuals.

When a family lawyer represents the victim of domestic violence, they will often wish to draw to the Court’s attention the considerations endorsed in the case of N.D.L v M.S.L, 2010 NSSC 68 in the context of an interim custody hearing. This is particularly important where there are concerns about the accuracy of affidavit evidence.

Once a person has been granted a restraining order, they must surrender all firearms to police officers or law enforcement professionals. Violating a restraining order is a severe crime that can lead to criminal charges, and the violating party can be jailed for contempt of Court. For more information about the family lawyer for child custody Adelaide, click here.


Assisting clients with a range of family law issues, including property settlements during a divorce, obtaining urgent Court orders such as restraining orders and abduction prevention applications, and child custody disputes, our compassionate and empathetic Adelaide lawyers understand the stress and turmoil that can be experienced in these matters. They are committed to ensuring their clients receive bespoke legal advice tailored to their circumstances.

When negotiating child custody agreements, it is important to maintain composure and focus on creating an open, respectful environment. Refraining from bringing up past grievances can help facilitate productive discussions and increase the likelihood of reaching a mutually satisfactory resolution.